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- Publication:
- El Paso Herald-Posti
- Location:
- El Paso, Texas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 27
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EL PASO HERALD-POST Page Twenty-even Weather Drunk Driving Cases TWo men who pleaded luiltF to charsea of driving white drunk were fined 30 end court coaia and gentenced to three day in Jail in County Court-at-Law They are: William Neal Shattuch 39 of 1211 North Steve na avenue and Jamea Watkins 22 of Biua Air Force Baae INJl'KT SUIT FILED Vincent and Erneato Arroyo filed auit aiainat Walter Lee Avery for $1973 for allefed damages in an automobile accident Sept 27 They charged that Ernesto' car waa wrecked and Vincente'a right shoulder and cheat were injured In the accident at Eatrelte and Duratno at recta AGE OF YOLTH Bp Uattod Praag COOLIDGE AriL Feb 24 -Pinal: County Fair officiate announced to! day that Mr Chandler ii running aecond in voting for queen of next month' county fair Her five competitor range in age from IT to II white lira Chandler te 71 COMMUNITY Bargain Days SALE! ItoaM I iMg-ffcf Reeds! i WIATin IIUAV FOBKCAITI 1 rw Mi Vtotoltri Fair with HIM hjfh (kuitaan today and tomarmw Oaldar tonight Llttla thanat In tampan turn tomorrow Hlah today 41 lew to mcM in City II in Valley Hlah ta- laa Cnaeai Fair with aema high elaudl-naaa today and tomorrow Coldrr tonight Llttla change In tempera tura tomorrow I High today 41 tow tonight II High to I toerngw ft Weal Taaaa! Cloudy and colder New Haxlcas Generally (air through to marrow morning Inc ranging high eiaudineia tomorrow afternoon Colder In meat of atata tonight Wanner tomorrow afternoon Artaeaas Generally dear today with noma ineiaaelng high cloudineaa in' north weal tomorrow Mat much change in temperature 0 Thursday Feb 24 19SS A A II QIOC A I fQshaweral11 a Snow I era Slay lhunlpr I stern's IL PA0 DATA Bistort temparatura ptatarday Lawaat temparatura thla mam in Sunaat today End af twillaht Mamina twilight baaing aunrla tamarraw Humidity High! 41 par cant at a law: II par cant at JO Haw maae naaa 1:04 a ante 1:11 1 mn nsiRinms OBBKRVATtOXN 1 Taaaa WEATHER PREVIEW For period ending al 5:30 a Friday Moderately cold weather will continue over New England and most of the Atlantic States It will remain mild over the extreme southeastern comer of the country The Central States and the Rockies will again be covered by icy Arctic air that will cause the mercury to plunge below zero from Montana end Wyoming over through North and South Dakota to the western Great Lakes A band of snow will extend from the Lakes reqion ini the central Mississippi Valley while rain will fall in the South A- -in tic States and in Tennessee Snow is expected to fall over sections of the central and northern Rockies It will be generally fair in the Plains States Abiiang AnianUa Auun Dalhart Dal Ilia 4T 41 Fart Worth Gaivaatan Houataa Larada Lnbback 40 Midland at Praaldla to Flat (I Baa Anaato San Antaato (1 Vaa Hara al Warn 3 Wink Haw Maalaa Censorship Is Clamped For True Bread Story Use The Slate National qulckast aasiast way to make your daposit without leaving your car Thraa tetlars' windows are on your lefts no reaching no moving over Drive in soon and sea for yoursolf Albuquaraua Carlabad Clayton Claud craft 41 41 3t 40 would disappear an dthe 10-centavo loaf would be reduced in size Although the story was later confirmed aa true the government information office said such reports injured the nation's economy My Ana orlafnd fna BOGOTA Columbia Feb 24-Govemment cenaorahlp hu been slapped on the newspaper El Eipee-tador because it printed a atory that the five-centavo loaf of bread SHEET MUSIC at BARGAIN PRICES TRI-STATE MUSIC CO 220 "Muve Headquarters Siuct 1919" TNI (TATE NATIONAL BANK OP IS VAIO SHOP FOR GREATER SAVINGS Columbua SI Glanwoad a Hahha 11 Laa Vfia J4 It oa will II Buita Ft 3 ID Truth ar Cauaauenees 54 I Tucumcari 14 Ariaaaa Daualaa 11 Flaaalaif JJ 1 Grand Canyon SS IS Phoanra to to Tucson to Wmatow SI If Tuma to Maalaa Chihuahua City to 41 Turnon 71 34 Othar CtUaa Itoaton i S4 Ot a Chayanna 14 1 Clilcaao 4 a Coluinbua Danaur to 4 Datrau 17 to Kanina City 0 11 0 Loa Anaatea 11 30 Miiuphia SJ 1 to Miami 1 I Ntw Orlaana Ji Maw York Si to 1 Oklahoma City IS a Mans 41 14 Bi Leu la 41 to Halt Laka City 31 14 Ban Franciaco to 31 Baatito 40 to 1 Waahiaaton to 34 1 Synthetic Diamonds Hedge Holland Supply My Vnttri Prras AMSTERDAM The Netherlands Feb A Dutch chemical engineer haa diacloaed that Holland i backstopping her slice of the world' natural diamond trade by producing synthetic diamond He is MaeKenxie head of tha Bronawerk Laboratories who said turned out diamond similar to those reported by General Electric in tha 05GB anas CHECK HESE VALUES FOR HOME AND GARDEN VIG0R0 LAWN AND GARDEN FERTILIZER 20 gauoh UTILITY CAU REGULARLY PRICED $379 FAMOUS GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC IRON WITH FINGER TIP CONTROL $1 19S VALUE QQ 71 Or SPECIAL NOW I inu uk romm sunaci win iutton moors roc auran isn mownm it iomb TV REPAIRS ON CREDIT Day Nites Sunday! erviea 88 Ta Call Rw Everyan Factory Aalharlsed Barries 1 hr aarviea anywhere Call 6-7001 I0W! TV Service COMPLETE LAWN FOOD SPREADS EVENLY 10-LB BAG FOR ONLY ALSO AVAILABLE IN 5g 25 50 AND 100-16 BAGS! WJSFA 287 Sagas 1 LAWN SPREADER STURDY ALL-METAL IRONING TABLE CLOTHES DRYING-RACK MAM OF HARDW00M I OIOS C0MPACTLYI LEVER "FERTILIZER MIZER" CONTROL ALL-STEEL WELDED BODY 20-POUND CAPACITY 18-INCH SPREAD EASY TO (UC1 SUNPU TO STORE SECURE IOOMN6 DEVICE REGUUR PRICE li lt OWed in iie besF circles REGUUR $149 NOW! REGULARLY PRICED $995 NOW REDUCED TO SPADING FORK PORTABLE FILE 88 AU4M1AII COCOA FIBER DOOR AMT MTRfMUV inff 7 WOVIN DMM I ICTtA DURAMM REGULARLY PRICED $119 40-HOUR ALARM CLOCK turn amt cm WOT BW4BNI SUM I REGULARLY PRICED $119 GARDEN RAKE STEEL HEAD njLY 14 CURVED TEETH 42-INCH HANDLE RIGOUR PUCE $119 METAL LUNCH KIT MNT VACUUM RMIIM Qfi UaDUMMFMHM I 9 MAMunmut REGULARLY PIKED $119 I HH-PROON spccua COMPUTE WITH M3MU FOtMIt STURDY TEMPERED TINES HARDWOOD HANDLE REGULAR PIKE $179 BABY1DEPARTMENT GARDEN HOE l87 BUM INCHES MEP HARDWOOD HANOU S-WCH Stt 4-FT REGULARLY PIKED $119 "FEDERAL" DIAPER PAIL 277 lASY-CMf NAURU RMUtAAmaS3lt BABY BOTTLE STEBIUZEB 29 mnuzn FVUYTMN AT OM TUMI ueutAi mci tin LEAF RAKE RAKE HEAD 19" WIDE ID SPRING STEEL TEETH 42" HARDWOOD HANOU REGUURLY PRICED $109 FLORAL SHOVEL R0UN9 RkA0iSMMWIM MWRT tUIVIA HANOU U6M IN WttCNT RMIHAIIT men S2AV LONG HANDLED SHOVEL MM TIMMUfR P0WI 4-IT NAR0W000 STUR0HT PimO FlDERAriAIYIATHj WWTI RUN IRIM RfUUtAR PRICE Sllt "FEDERAL" BABY CHAMBER BABY BOTTLE WABMEB Ulema AUTMuna now 66 ONLYI I REGUUR PIKE $191 69 ROROUM MAMUD tm cowTRuenoN i tituui ma stc R4GUUMY PMCB Sl NOW ONLY NOW ONLY UJMIT OLD HICKORY niiiGnBOUlBON11111 OTuBS EB 3333113 VBUSi wry PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE i a-j YEAR 19SS MAM Of NON-aMIM VWn MASIK IOUCN DIVA ITtONR 31 FOOT UNRTH HRUUUV FRW SlAt 99 CtmpanuM It ngultr Old Hickorj-6 year tli SS PROOF 322 Trtii SI Phaat 3-3008 Phaut PR3-5S18 piso ti: S03B Alamrda PliCfi 1EVAS ILS CHU (KIBI HOBHN ALSO AVAILABLE IN 100 PROOF BOTTLED IN BOND OLD HICKORY DISTILLING CORPORATION PHILADELPHIA PA aaaafiaMkaiHiM tana si.
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- Pages Available:
- 770,311
- Years Available:
- 1931-1997